
Male and female pair of mating mandarinfish swim cheeck-to-cheek as they release eggs and sperm into the passing ocean currents. Lembeh, Indonesia.

Underwater macro photograph of a 1” Ghost-goby. This tiny fish sits atop and defends her small clutch of eggs. She laid the eggs among the siphons of a tunicate. The tunicate’s skin is toxic, which deters any passing predators.


Underwater macro photograph of a porcelain crab carrying eggs, in a sea pen; Philippines

Macro photograph of a nudibranch on a tunicate (sea squirt) in Komodo, Indonesia. Marine life.

Single male scuba diver in shallow water, admiring a huge area of pink staghorn coral, with rays of sunshine. Solomon Islands.

Underwater macro photo of a commensal shrimp hiding in camouflage on a wire coral.


Super-macro closeup underwater photo of a ghostgoby on a pink tunicate; Philippines

Underwater photograph of a pink painted frogfish yawning, perched on a stand of purple tube sponges, Philippines

Underwater photograph of the WWII Jake seaplane wreck, with male and female scuba divers photographing it. Jake seaplane was a 3 seat, single engine and twin float seaplane.

Lone female scuba diver with camera swims along with a swirling school of fish, underwater, with turbulent seas, at a remote volcanic sea mount in the Pacific Ocean

Underwater photo of male scuba diver with flashlight, swimming on coral reef with red sea whips and current, in the Solomon Islands (stock ref #LH17855)
